青年是世界发展的未来,而上海合作组织地区的18个国家共居住超过十亿青年。SCOLAR Network团结了来自上合组织地区各地的青年领袖和学者,通过文化、教育、创业为青年群体提供更广泛的发展平台。我们的愿景是在2050年正面影响十亿青年的生活!
今年9月15日,上海合作组织成员国元首峰会在乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕举行,正式欢迎新的国家(埃及、卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯)加入上合大家庭。 “上海精神”即“互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展”是上海合作组织以及上合地区的灵魂,体现了包容团结的精神。
SCOLAR举办第一届“Unity” T恤设计大赛,为充满想象力的青年们提供一个大展身手的平台。
Designs with descriptions
Emilia Bekshentayeva, 5 Kazakhstan (1,2)
The picture depicts a small community where residents enjoy their “tea” time together. Amongst the tea choices are creativitea, unitea, communitea. Despite their differences, they unite, delightfully share their experiences, and practice empathy and understanding.
The acrylic painting description shows the school of fish (illustrated using golden leaves/gilt). They symbolize unity and community. While lone fish won’t be able to survive the world’s challenges, they overcome various obstacles and solve everyday tasks.
Emelie drew with the help of my Mom, Kamila.
Angirash Karki, 26 Nepal (3,4)
The line and the faded gradients in the middle represent the connection between communities despite the distance. The puzzle in the middle represents connection despite differences. And the color of the neck and hand rib in sky blue represents a close SCOLAR Family.
Front: The line represents connection, freedom, and the free flow of ideas.
The letter in the font says Together twice, where T is single, and O is the logo of SCOLAR.
The “T” and “O” represent SCOLAR Network, and “gether” is written twice because it means all the people it will connect with.
So it’s like saying Scolar Network “TO”the communities.
Back: There is a city skyline, which can be changed according to the different hubs in different countries.
Thus it will be easier to recognize the hub member in future conventions.
Franklin Zhu, 40, China (5)
我用大海里的海浪来表现SCOLAR Network 里各国优秀人才和优秀创业家的多样性。每个人都像一朵浪花,有大有小,但是都互相滋养着彼此,来表现SCOLAR Network 这个组织的包容力很强
I use the ocean waves to express the diversity of talented people and entrepreneurs in the SCOLAR Network. Everyone is like a wave, big and small, but they all nourish each other, showing the SCOLAR Network’s strong tolerance.
Soomal Qureshi, Pakistan (6,7)
The designed shirt logo depicts the unity of scolar with its hubs to strengthen connectivity and promote empathy and creativity.
Muhammad Zubair, Pakistan (8)
My design hides many meanings in each of its segments. When you look at the outer “round black shape,” you will realize this simple but unique design caring depth of SCO itself as it seems like 8 SCO heads of state holding their “hands together,” showing unity and empathy while simultaneously they are overseeing the “Globe” which represents the “Growing Global Community” also It is an “eight petals flower” which mean “Brotherhood, Love and respect” for each other.
Fatima Muhammad Irfan, Pakistan (9)
Unity itself is power; it is to make everybody feel welcome, stand united through good and hardships, and achieve a combined goal.
Kseniya Otmakhova, Russia (10, 11, 12)
In 2001, European functionaries commissioned Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, the designer behind Beijing’s iconic CBD, to create a new logo for the EU. The barcode elongates and merges the flags of current EU member states into a single colorful symbol. It intends to represent the essence of the European project, showing Europe as the common effort of different nation-states. Each state retains its cultural identity while sharing the advantages of acting together.
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