Интервью Центрального телевидения Китая с председателем Молодежной платформы стран ШОС SCOLAR Network Викторией Ху о Молодежной платформе SCOLAR Network, проектах в образовании, культуре и предпринимательстве и развитии молодежи на пространстве региона ШОС!
Interview of CGTN with the Co-founder of SCOLAR Network Victoria Khu about SCOLAR Network, its impact through projects in education, culture, entrepreneurship, and youth development in the SCO region!
Интервью от 13 сентября 2022 года
Interview dated September 13, 2022
SCOLAR Network (full name: SCO Countries Youth Platform SCOLAR Network) is a platform aimed at bringing together young leaders from Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries and Eurasian region to strengthen connectivity, promote dialogue and contribute to regional development. SCOLAR’s mission is to positively impact 1 billion youth by 2050.
SCOLAR Network is affiliated with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretariat and supported by the SCO Business Council Secretariat. We take the “Shanghai Spirit” principles as a guide to strengthen the role of the youth in developing their countries and the Eurasian region as a whole. The “Shanghai Spirit” includes a combination of the founding values of the SCO: mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity, and pursuit of common development.
SCOLAR has initiated various projects. Their goal is to find solutions to the challenges young people face. Our anchor projects include “Model SCO” intellectual game, “Agora: SCOLAR Vision” youth conference, SCOLAR Academy, the Forward project, and Thought Leader. Our project’s goal is to bring solutions and action steps to the issues young people face today. SCOLAR brings together thousands of people, including students, graduates, managers of companies, representatives of media, and other organizations from the SCO and Eurasian region. All of our participants are united by their desire to take an active part in society’s development and contribute to strengthening cross-cultural connections between young people.