MBTI Personality Type & Self-Awareness Training

On March 23rd, SCOLAR is hosting an exclusive session with Petros Djakouris, open to all SCOLAR hub members and alumni.

In this session, Petros Djakouris will focus on:

1. Exploring the personality traits through the MBTI framework

2. Provide self-awareness training

About the speaker

Petros Djakouris is an experienced corporate trainer and facilitator, specializing in intercultural communication, design thinking, and digital marketing. He has worked with prestigious organizations such as Volkswagen, United Nations, and Pirelli in Europe and China. As a youth empowerment advocate, Petros coaches founders through various incubator programs and is the founder of BeHive, a skills training platform. With extensive experience in tech startups and corporates across Beijing, London, and Nicosia, he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese and served in the Special Forces of Cyprus.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and enhance your personal development!

Date  23 March, Saturday

Time 5:00-6:00 PM (Beijing time)

Language  English


Meeting ID 883 3462 0525

Passcode 763383


Mar 23 2024


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: Mar 23 2024
  • Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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