I MINSK MODEL SCO | Minsk, Republic of Belarus

SCOLAR Minsk Hub and Faculty of Internatinal Realations of Belarusian State University under the support of SCOLAR Network together with the SCOLAR Nizhny Novgorod Hub and the SCOLAR Saint-Petersburg Hub invite you to take part in the I Minsk Model SCO.

The 1st Minsk Model SCO will be held in two languages on two separate agendas:

The agenda of the Meeting of the Heads of Government: “Youth Policy Development: Strategies and Initiatives for a Sustainable Future”

Working language: Russian

The agenda of the Meeting of the National Coordinators: “Protecting nature, the environment and our climate”

Working language: Chinese

The format of the event – offline  (Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations: Republic of Belarus)

Date: November 13-15, 2024

Foreign participants are provided with accommodation in the BSU dormitory and hot meals (the number of places is limited).

For more detailed information, please see the information letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aNELO0zQdNgZF0XlTrbbclznU69ep2RIUu8HKPnvH0c/edit?usp=sharing

Links to the application forms:

  1. Meeting of the Heads of Government (in Russian): https://forms.gle/xddL9dgjZrYFzkEBA
  2. Meeting of the National Coordinators (in Chinese): https://forms.gle/BKBLCKXCEfuz4k3o9

Application deadline: October, 25, 2024.